Metamask Madness — Account Error

4 min readOct 5, 2022


Metamask Error Password Recovery help

What is Ethereum Metamask wallet?

Metamask has become the to go wallet of choice for many DEFI users. Unfortunately, the rise of Metamask popularity has also resulted in a mega buggy code. Panicked users who are asked to upgrade their wallet or run out of space are met with screens saying the wallet is corrupted (?!) due to disk space… Or even worse, wallet funds are gone after upgrading the plugin to popular browsers like Chrome or Firefox

If you are using a Metamask you should have a close look at these simple steps what to do and what NOT to do when the inevitable strikes, namely your Metamask wallet is corrupt and funds seems to be gone (or not?)

My Metamask wallet is corrupted, what should I do?

Well if you follow instructions above, and your seed is not backed up correctly, you are practically DELETING your wallet data by following the Metamask instructions…

There are various bugs and errors in the Metamask plugin.

  • Your drive space is full, Metamask stops working. (DO NOT PANIC!)
  • You upgrade your Metamask plug, wallet disappears (DO NOT PANIC!)
  • Metamask words do not work…
  • Your phone sync with computer browser makes a forced upgrade

Metamask do and dont

There are several ways to “save” your wallet, but you should at all costs AVOID these things

  • DO NOT remove the plugin
  • DO NOT reinstall the plugin
  • DO NOT format your drive
  • DO NOT upgrade the app
  • DO NOT ask for help in public forums, FAKE Metamask support team will steal your funds.
  • DO NOT give away your words to someone who contact you on REDDIT, DISCORD, TWITTER or TELEGRAM. Only use the community forums. they could be found here together with some tips.

My Metamask is corrupted, what can I do to restore it?

There are many articles on what to do when your Metamask crash if you have saved your 12 words, but if you didn’t, what then? Is there help?

Sure, just follow along and we will show you some tricks.

  1. Check the vault data from inside your browser. The best guide for this could be found at Metamask Zendesk. the link for it is below.

2. If this method does not work, there is a slim chance you still have the files stored in your cache, checked your browser cache data.

If you have a WINDOWS box look here

C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn

If you have a MAC box look here

Library>Application Support>Google>Chrome>Default>Local Extension Settings>nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn

This is the filename structure you should be looking for.

There are various files inside, and you should look inside them with a text or hex editor and look for this string “vault” or “data” followed by a similar string {“vault”:”{\”data\”:\”wwpX….

What is Metamask vault decryptor and how to use it?

Next change all \” to “ without the \ and enter the full string into the vault decryptor below;

3. If your decryptor does not recognize the password, then you might have remembered it wrong. If you have an idea what it is and need help, then we can help you. Send an email to and we can have a look.

IF, there is no vault data, OR, you have removed the plugin, then there is a last chance to recover your data. You would need to look at sector level for deleted files.

Depending on your browser there are different tags to look for.

Firefox does encrypt the vault with Snappy tools, so the vault data might look scrambled. Check for the string “sNaPpY” or in HEX mode FF060000734F and you should locate it if you are lucky.

For other browsers look for a string beginning with {“vault”:”{\”data\”:\”

At a last resort, contact us and we can see if we can help.

GOOD LUCK, your vault is hidden somewhere, don't give up!

Disclaimer! This article was written by KeychainX Wallet Recovery Services. To read more about our company please visit or send us an email to if you need to talk about password recovery.




Wallet Recovery Services We recover lost Bitcoin Ethereum Presale Multibit Classic Electrum Metamask Trezor Passphrase Armory Bitcoin